Truck insurance. Blue truck miniature covered by hands.

Types of Semi Truck Insurance Coverage

Have you recently purchased an awesome semi truck and need semi truck insurance? Are you not happy with your current semi truck coverage and wondering what to do? Or maybe you’re considering purchasing a new semi and want to know as much as you can before you do? Regardless of your stage in the process, you’re in the right place.

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What It Looks Like Inside A Big Rig

We see them everywhere we go. We see them on the road, on the side of the road, at rest stops, at grocery stores…everywhere. With that being said, have you ever wondered what it looks like inside a big rig? These drivers travel from coast-to-coast, where their 18-wheeler becomes their second home on wheels. To make a big rig suitable for day-to-day living, manufacturers put a lot of thought into building the rig digs to make it comfortable for the driver, on and off the road.  They don’t all look the same; the appearance depends on the manufacturer, the decor and taste of the driver, and even additions of luxury for big rig owners.

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Famous Highways in the US

We are all in our little corner of the world. It is easy to forget all the people, places, culture, and scenery that exist out in the world, let alone the US. While some may choose planes to get from destination to destination, others prefer the wide, open roads. And for those people, they may want to bring their attention here. There are interstate highways, US-numbered highways, state highways, and country highways. Below are the top six famous highways not to miss, whether it’s a family road trip vacation, a trucker’s map of the must-have routes to deliver their loads, or a time to be alone and soak in all the quiet. Get ready to start planning!

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Regional, OTR, or Vocational Trucking: What’s Right for You

Regional, OTR, or Vocational Trucking: What’s Right for You

Truck driving is a popular occupation, and it’s important to weigh your options and find what the best fit is for you. There are three main types of trucking:

  1. REGIONAL: This typically involves day trips—often a maximum of one or two nights out. A driver may run areas anywhere from a few cities or counties to a few states.
  2. OVER THE ROAD (OTR): A long-haul OTR driver can spend weeks at a time on the road with coast-to-coast loads.
  3. VOCATIONAL: Vocational drives take care of specific jobs or tasks. This category includes dump trucks, end-dumps and side-dumps, belly dumps, refuse (garbage trucks and roll-offs), concrete trucks, service trucks, rail trucks, and the list goes on. These types of rigs are often found in construction sites, oil fields, landfills, and more.

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Valve Adjustments Explained

Why You Need a Valve Adjustment for Your Diesel Engine

A valve adjustment (sometimes also called an overhead) is vital to the health of your diesel engine to ensure proper combustion. This is often an overlooked task for proper engine maintenance; however, neglecting your valves could lead to a lot of unwanted hassles like loss of power and decreased fuel efficiency. Keeping a close eye on the valve lash can alert you to a problem before it leads to hefty repair costs for your diesel engine and a lot of unplanned downtime.

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