Category Archives: Certified Pre-Owned

Benefits of Buying Used Commercial Trucks

Purchasing used commercial trucks can be a smart and cost-effective decision for fleet owners and independent operators. Buying pre-owned not only helps businesses save money but also provides additional advantages such as faster availability, lower insurance costs, and a wider selection of models to choose from.

Save Money

One of the biggest advantages of buying used commercial trucks is the lower price point. Pre-owned trucks typically cost significantly less than new models, making them a budget-friendly option for businesses looking to expand their fleets. Additionally, used trucks experience less depreciation compared to new ones, helping owners maintain better resale value.

Many financing options are available to help with the purchase of used trucks, including those offered through Allstate Peterbilt Group’s All Wheels Financial affiliate. Also, with our partner, All Wheels Financial, we find they have quick turnarounds along with creative options to get you driving the open highways and making money with your equipment. These options make it easier to invest in quality commercial trucks without straining business finances.

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Peterbilt Pre-Owned Truck Program

What is the Peterbilt Red Oval Certified Pre-Owned Truck Program?

Whether you’re interested in buying a truck to start a career as a trucker, you need to upgrade your vehicle, or you want to expand or enhance your fleet of trucks, getting a pre-owned semi is a great option. This can be more affordable compared to buying a new truck. And if you decide to go with a Peterbilt pre-owned truck that’s Red Oval Certified, you can also rest assured that you’ll be getting a high-quality vehicle that’s reliable and comes with modern features.
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Valve Adjustments Explained

Why You Need a Valve Adjustment for Your Diesel Engine

A valve adjustment (sometimes also called an overhead) is vital to the health of your diesel engine to ensure proper combustion. This is often an overlooked task for proper engine maintenance; however, neglecting your valves could lead to a lot of unwanted hassles like loss of power and decreased fuel efficiency. Keeping a close eye on the valve lash can alert you to a problem before it leads to hefty repair costs for your diesel engine and a lot of unplanned downtime.

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Warranty Options When Purchasing Pre-Owned

By Bill Maki
Used Truck Manager
Allstate Peterbilt Group

Recently, a host of companies offering extended warranties on pre-owned units entered the used truck market. Most of these programs include a limited mechanical breakdown warranty and require an inspection. So, how do you know if an extended warranty is worth the additional cost? Or which type is best for you? Read the rest of this entry >>

Four Questions You Should Always Ask when Buying a Used Truck

By Bill Maki
Used Truck Manager
Allstate Peterbilt Group
The time has come… you are ready to purchase your “new” used truck! Do you know what you should be looking for when evaluating a truck? After all, this is a critical decision and you want to be sure you are making the best choice for you and your business. Before purchasing a used truck, you should always ask the following four questions: Read the rest of this entry >>